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Art of Wellness



"GROW" Psychedelic Integration Group

Your experiences with Ketamine and psychedelics can be profound and deeply moving. However, making sense of these experiences can sometimes be challenging on your own. The group offers a journey of healing, understanding, and personal development in a supportive and confidential environment. We're so glad you're here, and we hope you join us.


Welcome to GROW (Growing Roots Of Wisdom), our Psychedelic Integration Group, where we come together to acknowledge and celebrate the profound lessons and gifts bestowed upon us by the natural world, particularly trees and other plants. Rooted in the understanding that psychedelic experiences can catalyze deep personal growth and transformation, our group offers a supportive space for individuals to integrate these experiences into their lives with intention and mindfulness.

Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of nature, we explore themes of interconnectedness, resilience, and growth, guided by the teachings of trees and plants. Through shared discussions, practices, and reflections, we honor the sacred relationship between humanity and the natural world, recognizing the inherent wisdom that surrounds us.

Our group, GROW, meets bi-weekly, starting on May 1st and concluding on July 10th. In addition to the sharing circles, there will be opportunities for an exchange of information, resources, and ideas on our private virtual platform.

Please be aware that exchanges in the private virtual community forum do not constitute therapy, counseling, or or do they substitute it. Please consult your healthcare professional for diagnosis or treatment of any medical or physiological concerns.


END DATE: July 10

TIME: Wednesdays from 7pm to 8:30 pm

LOCATION: online

COST: $30

REGISTER TODAY by submitting this form to reserve your space in the group. 

Have you ever participated in a psychedelic therapy or integration group before?

After registering for the workshop, please make your payment using this button. 

$24/Session when paying for all 6 sessions


Pay for ALL 6 Sessions: $144  

Thanks for registering for this group.

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